Dev Status

Hi Followers!

An enormous apology for leaving this page abandoned. The reason is that I simply preferred to direct traffic to the Discord server, as it was easier and more convenient for me to stay in touch with you there. However, I now understand that I need to give proper attention to the main platforms where I can communicate with you. 
So from now on, I hope to post more frequently here and on Patreon.

That being said, here's an update on the development status. The next update will arrive at the end of this month. It will include:

  • Two new princesses
  • Several new animations
  • A couple of new locations
  • Azula will now be a princess you can interact with normally
  • Various/improved artwork and small new mechanics, etc.
  • More history routes

Now, I’d like to clarify some details about certain content. Some mechanics, like gifts and the use of costumes, were not addressed this time. In the update that will be released after this one, called the 'Patreon Update,' I will focus on delivering the content promised in the Patreon surveys. In that update, I will concentrate on these and other new mechanics. Additionally, since I will be focusing solely on the content from the Patreon surveys, I expect that update to be released in a shorter timeframe

Thanks for being tuned! Hope to see you in the next weeks <3

Get Princess Resort

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